“The process of purchasing on the webshop must be fast. The webshop must be opened quickly, the product must be opened quickly. In addition, product description is also important,’ said our Ivan Rebrović on the panel ‘Revolutionize the shopping experience and increase online sales’ at the Game Changer e-commerce & fintech conference in Ljubljana.

Rebrović pointed out that there is a lack of education because of mistrust in card payments on the web. ‘20-25% of buyers think they should not pay with cards online. The responsibility lies partly with the payment gateways but also with the banks. People need to be educated. Another problem is that webshops ignore some forms of payment. They think that cash on delivery is enough, but it is not. And the third thing is the payment options, whether it is possible to pay in installments, whether consumer loans and instant payment are offered’, explained Rebrović, Business development manager at Monri Payments.

If the product description is lousy or absent – that’s a problem

Here are a few tips for an (even) better webshop from the CEO of Marker, Ivica Kruhek. ‘Your webshop must give a good impression at first, but you must put only a few questions in front of the customer. It would help if you gave them answers. For example, problems are lousy product descriptions or when there is no description. For example, the product page does not say whether the batteries are included, the delivery date of the goods, whether it is possible to pay by card, etc.’, Kruhek stated.


In the photo: Slavko Ovčina, Ivan Rebrović, Ivica Kruhek and Primož Hvala

He explained that developers and retailers often think the average customer uses the webshop the same way as they do. ‘But the customer journey doesn’t look like we designed it. For example, the terms of use and the ‘about us’ page are opened ten times more than the product page,’ said Kruhek and added that customers are just looking for a reason to trust the purchase.

Rebrović: Card payment has surpassed cash on delivery, but…

Another valuable advice was that the ‘add to cart’ button must be in color used only for that action; that button must be found even if all the other content on the page is blurred.

The third panelist, Slavko Ovčina from Pošta Slovenije, added that a sales strategy and strong marketing should be made before creating a webshop.

Rebrović commented that although, after a long time, online payment by card has come out ahead of cash payment on delivery, the difference is minimal, only a few percentage points. On the other hand, the fact that many webshops enter into contracts with delivery services where they ask that they have a POS machine during delivery to pay by card means that more buyers would use payment cards. Still, they are afraid to use the card online. And now we come to a contradiction – a relatively high percentage of buyers fear paying by card online. On the other hand, a particular group of buyers protest when webshops use additional protection systems, which are even mandatory. We are primarily talking about 3D Secure here,’ he said.

Game Changer E-commerce & Fintech is Slovenia’s first major technological conference on e-commerce and financial technologies. Monri was a partner of the mentioned panel moderated by Primož Hvala, founder and partner in Human & Sales Consulting.

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