Monrijev blog
[Lider] E-commerce: Personalized offer is the ultimate trend today
More and more e-commerce platforms offer unique, customized product design...
Changes and Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions for Online Payment Processing
Monri Payments has made changes and amendments to the General T&C for Online Payment Processing as of June 17th, 2024.
Ali Sallabi for eComm Magazine: No More Limitations on Time or Place for Payments
Kakvo je trenutno stanje na tržištu i koje sve koristi dobro posloženi sustav plaćanja ima na eCommerce poslovanje otkrio je Monrijev Ali Sallabi za eCommerce magazin.
Monri Payments and BinBin prevented the release of 34 tons of carbon dioxide in May
During the May campaign with bonus kilometers, Monri Payments with our partner BinBin in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the users of BinBin's vehicles in Sarajevo prevented the release of 34 tons of carbon dioxide and saved 115 tons of oxygen.
Changes and Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions for Online Payment Processing
Monri Payments has made changes and amendments to the General T&C for Online Payment Processing as of June 17th, 2024.
Damir Čaušević, Monri's CEO, interviewed for
Monri is a Bosnian startup company that has revolutionized card payments. The revolution took place in the regional market in just a few years. This company is increasingly present in the European Union market as well.
Changes and Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions
Monri Payments has made changes and amendments to the General Terms and Conditions for the provision of Payment Processing Services and the General Terms and Conditions for the provision of electronic transaction processing services generated through an electronic point of sale.
MoMo24: Unlocking the Wallets, Accelerating Payments, and the Neverending Quest for Convenience
Money Motion's first panel with industry leaders focused on the trends that have led to innovation in the European payment experience. Read about what drives the industry forward and where the experts say it is heading.